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Mancer is work in progress card game! I don't actually have a title for it yet, but I've been calling it Mancer. I don't really like the name, but I need one, so whatever.

I'll update this page as development continues, but here's some creature images and descriptions to tide you over!

Art by Ferjo404.
Art by Ferjo404.
Art by Ferjo404.
The arboran is a manifestation of pure growth mana. They live in forests, always in constant search of new experiences. They have a rather cold and bleak outlook on life.
The pisceran is a manifestation of pure flow mana. They live in the oceans, drifting from one place to another. They have no particular goal in mind, they simply exist as they are.
The gaean is a manifestation of pure heat mana. They live in the mountains, where they live in solidly structured societies. They tend not to value individualism, opting for complete devotion to their society.

Ain't that interesting? Well, there are more creatures to come, so stay tuned for that! Now, how about some characters?

Mag, the witch
Art by Hamberry.
The Lady in Purple
Art by Hamberry.
Mag is a dark elf witch. She lives on the Turtle Isles, but likes to spend her time sailing when not at home. As a dark elf, she is hated by other humans. Despite that, she still loves the thrill of adventure and seeks it out when she can.
The Lady in Purple is an ancient arboran who lives a reclusive life. She has boundless knowledge of the natural world and the arcane. People search her out so they might obtain even a little of her knowledge, but she doesn't share her knowledge with most people.

All this shit belongs to me, by the way. Don't use without permission!